The Fairview Inn, at milestone 3 on the National Road in Baltimore, is probably best known for its place in this print, in the Cator Print Collection at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, in Baltimore.

It has been used as the background for all of the National Road historical markers erected by America's Byways in Maryland. The one shown here is the general introductory marker, used in many places around the state, here at the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore.

This is the only known photograph of the Inn, which was demolished in the 1920s. Some versions of the photograph crop the image a bit wider, to include the milestone, which is just to the right of what you see here. This image is believed to have been made by T. C. Worthington, Jr., circa 1900. (Courtesy of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Central Library / State Library Resource Center, Baltimore, Maryland.)

This is the same site, as seen today.
Do you know when the Fairview Inn was built? Obviously it was before 1827, but I am curious to know more precisely because I know of a house on the National Road which bears a fairly close resemblance to it, and this may help estimate when that was built.
Alas, I don't. I'd say, based on the style, sometime between 1750 and 1800, but beyond that, I really don't know enough to say.
The church appears as if on a bit of a rise, where the inn doesnt. Whereabouts is this church, praytell?
Ruckle's painting of the inn is dated 1814. In his painting, the inn has the date 1801 appearing in the second floor brickwork.
I'm researching a similar building that served as a tavern on a part of the Old Frederick Road which looks similar to this one. I'm also guessing 1750 to 1800, with proof it existed in at least 1839.
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